Yesterday it was in the 60's and partly sunny. Today it is crystal clear, in the 40's with a strong steady wind from due north. There are a few holdout leaves, but most of the trees are winter naked.
Today is travel day. Lots of folks pulling suitcases. And no parking places near any of the markets. Not my problems. I can walk to where I need to be.
This trip gives me a chance to get caught up with photos and video. Lots of good stuff. Wait until you see the latest from Mezcal country. I have been working on the video of the danzantes from San Agustin on Day of the the Dead and the footage is so nice, it is almost impossible to edit. I am thinking up putting up the finale unedited. The energy and insanity deserve no less.
Again, as I wrote before, I feel like an alien here. No different from life in Oaxaca where at least I am an obvious outsider. There, I am trying to learn the culture and traditions. Many times I am doing or seeing things for the first time. Here, I see things with those same eyes.
Today, it is all about the country traveling. I walked over the Mass Pike and was glad I was not in the traffic.
The High Holy Day that has become Black Friday is just strange. Everyone is supposed to work themselves into a frenzy and get out there and spend, shop, spend, shop. No comprendo.
Hmmm....Maybe once you go oaxaqueño, there ain't no comin' back.
But you are not oaxaqueño, amigo!
Ah yes, grass hopper... you got my point exactly.
Maybe you were oaxaqueno in your past life.
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