It will a take a few days to process all the photos and video, but it was a spectacular and festive time for Oaxaca. No doubt about it, this place is magical.

The main problem is that there are so many things to do and places to be, that one cannot do it all. There were many tourists here and many businesses did just that, business, and for that, they are very thankful and happy.

I went from highlight to highlight closing out with a wonderful traditional meal in Teotitlan del Valle dining at the home of zapotec weaving friends, Zacharais Ruiz and his family. I have said it before and I will say it again, Emilia makes the best mole negro I have ever had and she does it time after time. It takes her a week to make and just minutes to inhale. Mmmmmm.
The altar at the Ruizes.

The best parts are the people. It was hard to stay sober for at every panteon or cemetery, people welcomed me, offered me mezcal and conversation. Some wanted to practice there English, but most just wanted to share whatever they had. I heard many good stories and saw many wonderful sights.

One of my favorites is seeing children happily playing amongst the graves of their relatives. It just seems so healthy to stay so connected and open.

Great photos once again. I like the first ofrenda that you can see through.
I agree with you on the naturalness of the children playing around the graves. It is endearing. not creepy.
Great images and thank you for sharing your experiences. It is endearing, not creepy as Joan said about the children playing around the graves.
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