Clouds have dominated the last few days with some good rains. I guess "good" depends where you are, there has been serious flooding and an amazing new crop of "baches" or potholes has appeared. However, this morning I awoke to this sight out my window.
I am very lucky to be just a few minutes away from the archaeological site in Atzompa, so I decided to do a quick visit in search of some elusive and dramatic shots with sun and clouds. The clouds were scudding across the skies.... there! I got to use "scudding" in a sentence, not a regular occurrence.... and the clouds scudded el sol right out of the picture.
The sun appeared in distant patches, but the shot I waited for, the sun hitting Monte Alban, never happened, close, but not really.
Still, once again, I was completely alone. It is crazy, but no one ever seems to go there even though it is a major site and a huge restoration project. No one there? Fine with me. I saw only five workers the entire time I was there.
Progress is being made. A new sign.
The largest ball park in the area.
Imagine playing the ball game here. I've played a version of it and the ball would bounce like crazy off those angles.... at least they do in my imagination.
That's Monte Alban across the valley.
The two sites were vibrant centers of activity and remember, Monte Alban was founded in 500 BC! Think about that! 2000 years later, the cities in Europe had raw sewage running through the streets. These places are so sophisticated and advanced with lots of mathematical and astronomical elements involved in their design and placement. Me, I'm just watching the birds riding the thermals.
I guess I wasn't alone. The gods were there.
The whole walk was just over an hour, only half of it was uphill.... a wonderful constitutional.
The here and now... and what and why
Complacency is a trap. At least that’s what I was thinking when I up and left the comfort of a Yankee prep school gig, where I taught music, amongst other things, for 28 years. There was also that life long career as a composer, musician and artist.
First, it was a year in St. Thomas, USVI, working as a reporter and shooting photography and then, a year in San Agustin Etla, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Time passed.
More time passed and a year back in the Athens of America followed by a hasty return to Oaxaca where it is all happening.
A couple of years in San Sebastian Etla and now, just down the road in San Pablo Etla. Life is good.
Click on an image to see it larger.
For additional photography please visit my flickr page.
You can find my music on Jango (World & latin - Worldbeat) and at iTunes and most online stores.
¡Soy consciente de todas las tradiciones del Internet!
If you are coming to Oaxaca, please contact me for tours or advice.
First, it was a year in St. Thomas, USVI, working as a reporter and shooting photography and then, a year in San Agustin Etla, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Time passed.
More time passed and a year back in the Athens of America followed by a hasty return to Oaxaca where it is all happening.
A couple of years in San Sebastian Etla and now, just down the road in San Pablo Etla. Life is good.
Click on an image to see it larger.
For additional photography please visit my flickr page.
You can find my music on Jango (World & latin - Worldbeat) and at iTunes and most online stores.
¡Soy consciente de todas las tradiciones del Internet!
If you are coming to Oaxaca, please contact me for tours or advice.
Santo Domingo

The view from Corazon del Pueblo
The hereafter re me

- Christopher Stowens
- Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
- Musician, photographer, videographer, reporter, ex-officio teacher, now attempting to be a world traveler
Veo tus fotos, en este gran oceano de cordilleras ondulantes y las nubes como sus coronas.
Debe de ser una sensación sobrecogedora....... yo no se si es una sensación tranquilizante o inquietante pero si impactante.
La sensación de estar por las nubes, en un lugar a donde floreció esta cultura y en soledad, sintiendo la vastedad de la naturaleza y del universo..............
Seguramente tus Dioses estuvieron haciendote compañia ! ;)
Yes, beautifully said. Gracias. It was wonderful to be up in the clouds with the gods, not daunting at all, but reassuring.
When we were in Oaxaca in August, we made a trip out to the ruins, and it was such amazing views, my in laws were impressed both with the scenery, and with the openness and emptiness of the ruins. We were there for 2 hours at least, maybe more, and there were only 4 other tourists in the whole place, two leaving as we walked in, and two walking in as we walked out. It was such a lovely place, and still free to visit, it's a shame how few visitors there were. Though, in all fairness my son and niece much prefer Dianzu and the sites that allow greater access to the buildings.
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