Man, oh, man. It seems like I just go back and forth, from Oaxaca to El Norte, trying to solve all the problems that seem to keep cropping up. I mean, I came up here to vote and well, clearly my vote was the deciding factor on all the key issues. With that done, there was a bit of a lull and things have calmed down for the time being (if you ignore reality). I can head back.
And it is a good thing, because while I've been gone, the teachers have been up to their old tricks and are shutting down the entire state with blockades and protests today. Yesterday, they shut down the city. The taxi drivers also had their own actions and stoppages.
from Imparcial
Un severo caos en las principales vialidades de la entidad, suspensión
de clases y daños a la economía de miles de oaxaqueños dejó como saldo
ayer la protesta de la Sección 22 del SNTE, para exigir la renuncia de
funcionarios y reparación de daños por los hechos de violencia en Mitla.
The taxisitas are pissed because of other taxistas who operate without documentation. This conflict is a constant in life here. Transportation issues are as important here as anywhere. There are more cars, more buses, more motos, more potholes, more road projects, more people relying on collectivos, and all are part of a system which is overtaxed and doing its best to keep up with a changing society. Behind it all, are the power brokers about whom, just like Sgt. Schultz, "I know notting... notting."
And it is the same with the teachers. It is all about power and conflict. Section 22 vs the world. The history is too long, too sordid and too tragic to go into. Like so many things here, there are threads that lead everywhere, into all aspects of life here. My bottom line is always the kids. I wish they could get the same education that kids get in, say, Korea. If they did, it would transform the country.
But for now, it is the same old same old, however there is a change in the air. Yes, I am looking at you, the Yo Soy 132 generation. Whether it is here, in Egypt, or in Walmarts, there is definitely stuff goin' on. Issues ranging from gay rights to climate change, immigration reform, pick an issue, all are being changed by generational shifts. Hey, I'm a boomer, but I love seeing the twitter universe and Facebook world implement change and exercise power. Let's face it, if you do or say something incredibly bright or incredibly stupid, there is a good chance that the whole world may find out about it.
I have to admit, I don't do much on Facebook and can't imaging tweeting, like someone might care what I had for lunch or what was was thinking right.... now. That's why I have this blog.... which is so last decade.
Hmmm.. as they say, "Better to be thought a fool, rather than open your mouth and confirm it." Nuf' said.
Live wisely, mis amig@s
This is what I'm talkin' about. Things are changing and IMHO, all for the better.
Which is a play off of this one.
You would not believe the number of parodies and versions that are out there, all off the original.