Tomorrow is the big day, Independence Day, El Grito, and people are out in droves selling all sorts of excellent patriotic paraphernalia.

Just look what you could get.

Here is Oaxaca's Most Photographed Street Musician™and more good stuff.

You too could have this hat... oops, it's not a hat.

"You look skeptical, Jose. Trust me, we are going to be so rich."

However, there are way too many sellers and not many takers. People who have been in the biz for years are getting squeezed by newbies selling inferior goods from China. "They fade in the sun."
Here's a story that ran in this morning's paper.

As of yesterday, to get into the zocalo one must now go through metal detectors and a phalanx of soldiers searching for anything that could disrupt the planned celebrations. Check this story out. I guess the GWOT (Global War on Terror) really is catching on.
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