I mentioned that 80 percent of the roads were damaged by the rains. This is the kind of damage that is fairly widespread. No quick fix for this bridge just down the road from me. It is on the main road to San Agustin, so an important route. These shots are from the San Sebastian side looking north towards San Agustin. My house is just a way around the curve.
Wow! How are people getting up to and from S.A.? Remembering all of that time and money you spent trying to "arreglar" the little road that leads from this road to your casa. That must be a real mess!
We have to go around the back way. So you would take the next right on the main drag, as if you were going to the policia, then cut by the feed store, take a left at the lavanderia and that would put you on the road to San Agustin. Lots of traffic for some funky roads.
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