He and his wife, Maria Louisa, are true masters and those are words not lightly uttered. They are constantly experimenting with colors and new ways of producing them. And, like many others in Teotitlan, their work is simply amazing. You will just have to go visit them. I was there as Fidel, working to produce the vivid red of cochineal, turned this....
and this...
Into this.....
After sitting in this.
And this is just one of many colors, all natural, which everyone says theirs are, but theirs really are.

All of which go into their work.
And... here's one of theirs which now blesses mi casa.
The rug, not the boy.
WOW!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love watching them dye, and weave. The rug will be very happy in your casa.
Thanks so much for sharing all the wonders of Oaxaca with us. Wish I was there.
It's a tough job... no really, I feel so lucky to be living the life I'm living.
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