The rains continue and continue and continue. What a year! I have garden photos from before and I want to take ones to show how much things have grown, but it is simply too wet to shoot. I did manage to whack back some incredible weeds. With all this rain, they are thriving and producing some incredible specimens. Man, I can grow those weeds. What a crop. Same in Boston. Coincidence? Really the garden here is full of flowers and good things to eat, but for now, street art.

I love this stuff, always so vibrant, colorful and meaningful..... and subtle.

Incidentally, from the top photo, a "bichito" is a little insect and the talk is by an entimologist and is for kids.
Here is hoping you are making it through the rains okay, and a belated BDay
Rains, hell - hoping you made it through the MUD. The news up here is about the mountain village 4 hours from Oaxaca - I wonder if that's by burro or foot? Your garden still above water and above dirt?
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