The here and now... and what and why
First, it was a year in St. Thomas, USVI, working as a reporter and shooting photography and then, a year in San Agustin Etla, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Time passed.
More time passed and a year back in the Athens of America followed by a hasty return to Oaxaca where it is all happening.
A couple of years in San Sebastian Etla and now, just down the road in San Pablo Etla. Life is good.
Click on an image to see it larger.
For additional photography please visit my flickr page.
You can find my music on Jango (World & latin - Worldbeat) and at iTunes and most online stores.
¡Soy consciente de todas las tradiciones del Internet!
If you are coming to Oaxaca, please contact me for tours or advice.
Santo Domingo

The view from Corazon del Pueblo
The hereafter re me

- Christopher Stowens
- Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
- Musician, photographer, videographer, reporter, ex-officio teacher, now attempting to be a world traveler
Monday, August 31, 2009
Hurricane Jimena

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Pan y Queso

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tlacolula y San Marcos Tlapazola

A message

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
La llorona
Here is an interesting flamenco version.
Here is Chavela Vargas singing it in in Julie Taymor's "Frida" with Salma Hayak.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
San Bartolo Coyotepec - Barro Negro

I was lucky enough to accompany Rosa Blum Perez, the owner of Corazon del Pueblo, which was one of the finest folk art stores in Oaxaca for many years. So not only did I had an expert as guide, but on top of that, Rosa's comadre, Adelina Pedro, is a fabulous potter, a famous member of a large artesano family and she gladly joined us and took us through the streets and back roads of San Bartolo to visit several homes.
We were searching for classic pieces. The contemporary ones can be quite shiny, with a bright reflective quality, while the older styles tend to have more of a matte finish. We were also after classic shapes or forms. And we saw plenty, stuff that is not in the markets, things that it was a privilege to see. But what was even better was to be invited into people homes and to meet them. As one could imagine, every one was different. These were the village elders, maestros, and the heart and soul of this famous village.
Adelina told many stories about each artesano and filled the day with anecdotes and information. Based on an ancient myth, now tradition, only men are allowed in the mine to get the raw clay. Recently one of the village officials tried to take his wife into the mine. After a heated confrontation, not only was she denied entrance, but he also lost his access to the mine.
While only men dig in the mine, everyone works the clay and creates the pottery that has brought world fame to this village.
Here is Miguel Fabian Pedro and the pieces I got for the house.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Caminita al Cielo - The little road to Heaven
We were just hanging to kill time before going back to Telcel to once again see if they could solve my modem problems. Just because I am posting doesn't mean they did, but rather than waste time complaining, I'll just say I will be going back on Monday and it ain't because I like waiting in line.
We were at the cantina in early afternoon. The road to Oaxaca had been blocked the night before and in the early morning as the people from Pueblo Nuevo, a nearby village, decided that they had waited long enough for a pedestrian bridge to be built across the main road. The road is wide and one takes one's life in one's hands when running across it. I speak from experience. It is dangerous. At any rate, the night before we had gotten caught up in the traffic trying to find a way around the roadblock. We were in a long line of cars, trucks and buses winding our way through rain soaked dirt roads. It was a couple of hours making past but we had fun and just rolled with the obstacles.
So we had no road block going into the city, we had time to visit this cantina. The owner, a woman in her late 70's shared stories with Amate's Henry Wangeman and me as she poured the mescal and brought beer and botanas. They spoke of their friend, Don Ishmael, the master mescalero from Santa Catalina Minas near Ocatlan who died last year. "Wasn't he kind to have left us all these wonderful memories." Here is one of mine with Ishmael.

Friday, August 21, 2009
In the meanime
However, I am reading David Lida's book about Mexico City for an upcoming trip there and am I psyched. Is is called First Stop in the New World and is a great read. Here's a link to his blog.
So just carry on with what you were doing. I will post something soon about a recent visit to San Bartolo Coyotepec, the home of barro negro, black pottery. Be slightly more patient than I am being with this internet thing. Of course, if you are reading this, you have it. It's me that doesn't. Aargh!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Border Shakeup
Mexico has replaced more than 1,000 customs agents at airports and border crossings with newly trained inspectors in a major crackdown on corruption.Officials said the agents had been let go after their contracts were allowed to expire.
They said the new 1,400-strong force had been rigorously trained to detect contraband, from guns and drugs to appliances smuggled into the country.
Health Care?
NACO, Mexico (Reuters) – Retired police officer Bob Ritz has health insurance that covers his medical and dental care in the United States.
But every few months he drives from his home in Tombstone, Arizona, to this small town in northern Mexico to avoid the healthcare costs that aren't paid by insurance.
"I pay $400 a month for my health insurance, and it's still cheaper to come to Mexico," says Ritz, 60, as he stood outside a sun-bleached pharmacy in Naco, a few hours drive southeast of Phoenix.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Les Paul - The father of it all

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Rastrillo y Pico - Rake and Pickaxe
The last three days I have spent working on the house. First, the cleaning neurosis kicks in and when that passes, the gardening one takes over. So I have been making gardens, pruning and adhering to the old, but true adage that "If it is brown, it is never going to turn green again." Hence, taking all the dead leaves off the yucca plants (man, you are neurotic) and fun stuff like that. Just pruning all the trees made a huge difference. I uncovered lots of hidden neglected plants. Nothing a good cleaning and radical pruning won't take care of. The place is transformed, but nothing like it will be if it ever rains. When, oh when?
But I digress, Rastrillo y Pico...
For the last two days, I have walked into San Sebastian to the ferretería, yesterday to get a rastillo or rake and today, for a pickaxe or pico. The words you have to learn... The rastrillo is a toy, but the pico is heavy duty. It has some heft to it. I carried the sucker back on my shoulder and by the time I got home, my shoulder was sore. The thing is weighted like a sledge hammer. There is going be some serious diggin' with this baby.

So there I am walking with a pico on my shoulder, listening to my ipod shuffle and what comes on but my latest CD "Here and Now" whcih I recorded just up the road in San Agustin in 2007.
The recording process was very different here and in many respects, I was set free to whatever I wanted to and I was happy with the results. I have been learning to weave with sound for many years. Being in the land of the Zapotecs and their weaving skills gave me new inspiration.
So there I am walking there by the side of the road, listening to my music, with a pick axe on my shoulder, in rural Mexico and it just strikes me as funny. A line from Apocalypse Now comes to mind, when Mr. Clean says, "This sho nuf be some bizarre stuff out in the middle of all this shit." or something to that effect.
Maybe it was a mini-revelation or an epiphany, but it occured to me that life is very unpredictable. I could have never pictured myself doing what I am doing now. So good things do happen for those who wait. In truth, I did not wait. And I have discovered that by not waiting, life continues to unfold better and better. So here I am amazed and psyched about the future and just how unexpected, how sweet and happy life can be.
Cuarenta años
I believe there was a song that went, "It was twenty years ago today"... well, it was really forty and on that day I was sitting very close to the stage at Woodstock, maybe row 50, dead center. At the time, I lived in Upstate New York, not very far from the site, so we just jumped in the car and got there very early, early enough to watch setup and prep. I was a freshman in college and was there with my high school sweetheart. It was the time of concerts at large venues and I had been to a bunch. Plus, the Fillmore was close and many of the biggest names in the business were playing small intimate clubs and colleges. However, none of them prepared us for Woodstock.
I was interviewed for the 25th anniversary by Relix, the Dead's magazine. I can't remember what I say, but I bet I mentioned the first sound check and Richie Havens. The sound was so loud and clean, it was magical. This was long before the good equipment of today. We were used to hearing (or not hearing which was often the case) stuff through really crappy amps and PA's. So when Ritchie played his guitar and the sound was so clean, pure and powerful, we knew we were in for a good time. And sure, people were high on many things besides the music, but damn, it was a fine buzz - The Who, Hendrix, John Sabastian, CSN&Y, Sly, Santana... damn, I was there. Great memories.
Friday, August 14, 2009

Here, they deal with different problems and they deal with them differently. There are the narcos, the poverty, the political problems, the inequities between the haves and the have nots. So the government uses strong tactics and symbols. In Oaxaca and especially travelling in and out of the state, there are lots of military and police checkpoints. They are just an everyday part of life. For me, to see such large weapons and in such numbers is intimidating, but as i say, it is just a part of life here. Maybe that is something for the folks in the States to ponder. I hasten to add that these guys do not ever hassle tourists unless they deserve it by being jerks. I myself, who can be quite a jerk, generally am on good behavior when in the presence of a guy in black body armor with a big gun.

These police were part of an action just to north of the zocalo last week. I have no idea what the action was, but there were a lot of them. I shot all these clandestinely at hip level so they are all candids. No reason to stick a camera up in people's faces. I do find that the faces and expressions are fascinating. Click on the image to see them larger.

Mi casita

However, mi casa is a casita y claro si, mi casa es tu casa. Lots of work to do, but lots of progress. I had a request for some photos of the place so here goes

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Fireflies - luciérnagas

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
It's hard out here for a
To the readers of this blog, I apologize for not posting for far too long, but do I have an excuse, sort of… no internet. I can walk to the neighbors yard and pick up a signal, but it feels strange standing out there with a laptop. I guess I could sit down. However, in a couple of days, actually tomorrow, I get a wireless card. Then it will be back in the groove.
And thanks to the people who have written asking if I am OK. Yes, I am, more than ever. I always say, at times, one has to choose between living and blogging and baby, this is living. It’s been tiring, but rewarding. I do look forward to getting back into some sort of routine that allows for regular posting.
It’s been an interesting few days. I have probably gone through a variation of what many people go through when they move into a new place, lots of running around, lots of shopping, lots of cleaning and a little apprehension, “Is this the right thing to do?’
And as I sit at the table after my first few night’s sleep in a new bed, drinking my first cups of coffee (of course, from Nuevo Mundo – there’s a link to the right,) listening to Keith Jarrett, it occurs to me, that this was a long time in coming.
For years, I dreamt about having a place in Oaxaca and I suppose there were people who were more confident than me, that I would actually do it. Well, baby. Here I are.
I have almost all the essentials, a few nice new gardenia bushes, some jasmine, lots of indoor and outdoor plants… ah, and yes, coffee, music, a bed, refrig, dishes, water, electricity, but no internet… yet.
My thanks to Antonio Ruiz, the fine weaver from Teotitlan del Valle, who gave me a pile of rugs to try out in the house. I can see now, I want bright colors throughout the place.
There is a very special rug calling my name for the upstairs room, but it will just have to wait.
Those of you who know me, know that this is like going cold turkey, like ripping those intravenous intertubes right outta my arm.
It is probably better because it disrupts my normal morning routine of reading the news and checking all the blogs I follow. I get to listen to the sounds around this place. No goats, sheep, cows, turkeys as there are in San Agustin. A few roosters, some dogs, geckos, wonderful birds… and very, very distant traffic.
I should add that the house is very close to a large federal police training center, so every now and then I hear them doing calisthenics and once a week there is target practice. It is all very cool... as long as they don't aim high.
I should be back posting later today or tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy the band.
Sunday, August 2, 2009

I also had to wait for some inspiration for the place. It came at midnight a couple of days ago. Cost me a night's sleep, but it was worth it. Figured out how to put in a large vegetable garden. It involves oxen.... after that, the rest just fell into place
Of course the first things I took to the house were a couple of plants.
So I have noticed a few differences. I bought a refrigerator today and they loaded onto a truck and a guy followed me home with it, helped me move it in and disappeared, all in about 20 minutes. It was Elektra, not Sears - Sears wanted eight days for delivery and was more expensive. Duh?
Furniture has been tougher, but not bad. Most everything is very reasonable, most all of it pine and some very nice looking pieces. I ended up just buying everything at one place very nearby, Did it in one fell swoop (after going back four times - gotta play the game.) Free delivery immediately, but I had to tell them to wait until Tuesday so I could thoroughly clean the place... if/when I get water, which is supposed to be tomorrow.
All in all, in almost every store, people were very attentive and nice.... and I hit a lot of places from mattress places to Office Depot to small places out in the country. Not that much different from El Norte, I guess. (Psst... they were really nicer- just being diplomatic)
Driving to the airport? It occurred to me that after 30 years of driving to Logan in Boston, I still wonder where to go - they are always building or changing something. And Central Parking? Easy to lose your car and walk a long way with bags. In Oaxaca, yes, it is a small airport, but they are pretty efficient. Drop off, park, in two minutes. Check in amazingly fast, even with a crowd... only one word for it... weird.
Same for the bus station. Buses are the choice of travel and the nice ones are NICE.
With this amount of things to do, I work off lists and I checked a ton of things off today. Tomorrow.. cutting board, untility knife, pillow, sheets, trash can, jasmine, rugs, water, toilet brushes, lamps, black pottery, you know, all the vitals.