Here are some shots from a new camera, a Canon SD790. I snagged one, mainly for its size, but the quality is pretty good. I wanted something small and light. There are times when the Nikon gets heavy, too big and intimidating for the situation.

Also, I may be slow, but I am learning. Each time I travel, I make note of what I use and what never makes it out of the bag. I have cut back to 40 percent of what I used to carry. I want small, sturdy and reliable equipment that can provide me with the quality of material that I want for my work. This camera is the size of a pack of cards and beautifully designed.
Copley Square with the Boston Public library and Old South Church


Spring break for students at Berklee, but they left this behind.

Of course, there is a reason why the Nikon costs almost 20 times as much. You do get what you pay for.
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