The museums in Oaxaca are excellent from the Botanical Gardens to museum in the Convent adjoining Santo Domingo to the many special smaller spaces. A new
Oaxacan Textile museum just opened last week. One of the small jewels is the
Rufino Tamayo Museo on Morales a few blocks west of the zocalo.
Rufino Tamayo (1899-1991) was a surrealist painter who collected pre-columbian art very early in his long career. The museum houses the pieces he collected and many of them are exceptional.

Tamayo collected from all the early cultures, so there are pieces from the Olmecs, Zapotecs, Mixtec, Aztec and many more.

It is a small, cool, dark space

with really only three rooms although some are divided into smaller spaces. Unlike many other museums you can get close to the art here, put your nose up to an ancient Aztec

or Olmec piece.
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