The here and now... and what and why

Complacency is a trap. At least that’s what I was thinking when I up and left the comfort of a Yankee prep school gig, where I taught music, amongst other things, for 28 years. There was also that life long career as a composer, musician and artist.

First, it was a year in St. Thomas, USVI, working as a reporter and shooting photography and then, a year in San Agustin Etla, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Time passed.
More time passed and a year back in the Athens of America followed by a hasty return to Oaxaca where it is all happening.
A couple of years in San Sebastian Etla and now, just down the road in San Pablo Etla. Life is good.

Click on an image to see it larger.
For additional photography please visit my flickr page.
You can find my music on Jango (World & latin - Worldbeat) and at iTunes and most online stores.
¡Soy consciente de todas las tradiciones del Internet!
If you are coming to Oaxaca, please contact me for tours or advice.

Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo
The view from Corazon del Pueblo

The hereafter re me

My photo
Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
Musician, photographer, videographer, reporter, ex-officio teacher, now attempting to be a world traveler

Friday, June 28, 2019

Soup in a Bag...

It is so nice to be back where such wonderful fresh produce is so readily available.  This morning, in the little Friday market in Viguera, this bag of freshness caught my eye.  All the ingredients for sopa de guia, a soup made from squash, its tendrils, flowers and leaves, all in a corn based broth. I've never made it before, but I've had it many times.  It's a true Oaxacan soup.  Normally, the broth is made using corn husks, but there was a pickup truck loaded with fresh corn, so....
The finished product was quite close to the real thing.  Very tasty and oh so healthy!
And enough for days!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Welcome back...

It is good to be back in Oaxaca.  The transformation of the countryside is dramatic.  Everything is so lush and green now.  The garden is a jungle!  The sunflowers in the garden were barely a meter tall when I left now they are well over two closing in on three.... Oh, there are some mighty weeds, too.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Not in Kansas anymore....

It has been a very wet and cold spring in New England and everything is incredibly lush and green.  I'm here for a few more days and after six months of the dry season in Oaxaca, it is otherworldly.  My garden here is pretty much no or low maintenance. It has to be, but I love how wild and natural it looks.  My "lawn."
And so much fun to see dogwoods that I planted as tiny seedlings. 
Look at them now!
I know the rains have come to Oaxaca.  Actually, they had started just before I left, but I'm excited thinking how much the gardens there have been rejuvenated by the return of the rains.  But for now, I am enjoying all the hosta, myrtle, pachysandra and Solomon Seal, all very low maintenance.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cazadores de Tesoros

Most of the TV I watch is in Spanish, but every now and then, I see something in English with subtitles in Español.  It's a great way to learn the language and expand my vocabulary.  And so it is with the History Channel's "American Pickers" or as it is known in Mexico, "Cazadores de Tesoros" (Treasure Hunters.) In it, two guys from Iowa, Frank and Mike, travel across the country in search of valuable antiques.  Some of the things that always excite them are old signs of any sort.  They pay good money for them.  I bet they would love this one from just done the road from mi casa.