Just like everywhere else, Oaxaca has problems. With an election coming up on July 4th, everything seems to have been ratcheted up a notch or two. There are protests all over the place with blockades going up on some of the major roads and in front of supermarkets and malls. The planton continues in the zocalo. The water conflict between San Agustin Etla and the city continues. The Triquis conflict in San Juan Copala continues to attract international attention and is very tense. It is a mess.

Scenes from the zocalo. Can you believe it, this is the northwest corner, the main entrance?

The cathedral from both sides,


and south.
The reds are here.


In speaking with people both in the villages and in the city, nobody is optimistic. Businesses are being hurt and consequentially, workers are too.
In looking to the north, it does not seem much better. In both places, the rich and the powerful corporations are running the entire show and the rest of us can just STFU. Politics as usual in the 21st century.
The most telling moment of the week for me was the media outrage at Paul McCartney's mild comment about the former president, who admitted to torture and the willingness to do it again and yet garnered no outrage from the those same pundits.