Sorry got the light posting. I always like to say one has to choose between living life and blogging. Given the opportunity to attend and shoot a wedding in Teotitlan del Valle, the former kicked in. Yesterday was the wedding, after days, weeks of preparation and it was spectacular. Teotitlan is famous for maintaining its traditions and it was a real honor to get to see things from the inside, although there was so much to take in, I am dazed. It also might be awakening at 4AM yesterday to get there in time for the early morning blessings and procession to the church. I got in at 10:30 PM, but wimped out on the dancing which I am sure went on until 2 or 3 in the morning. I don't know how they do it. I am about to jump in the car for the last of the fiestas, so more later.
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