Well, it certainly has been an exciting and energetic few weeks. And with so much accomplished. Still, there are those nagging unfinished things and sadly, and more obviously, there are the ones that will never get done no matter what. This time of year seems to ramp up one’s energy levels and things do get done. And plans get made. It has been a good few weeks, productive and filled with much, both good and bad, positive and negative…… and that was your life.
As far as my life goes, I had a huge truckload of cow manure, abono, delivered and have been busy moving it by wheelbarrow. Sure is different from the stuff I used to shovel.
I wrote a couple of friends,
“So I got the music, photography, relationship, gardening, life-in-general happening and I have figured that I might as well simply enjoy the "here and now" without any reservations. This is an idyllic life I am leading right now. I figure I may end up paying for it at some time, but who knows, maybe it is actually merely a balancing out of the tough times I have already been through. Who knows? At this point, I could care less.
In a real sense, I am at peace, the 57-year old pseudo-monk, who shovels shit and carries bricks and thinks he is having epiphanies.”
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